Road Approach Approval

The construction of an approach (driveway or field access) located within a road right-of-way requires the prior approval of the Municipal District of Taber. Approval for the construction of an approach will only be granted where the requested location is considered safe and practical by the MD of Taber, through consultation with the landowner. All new approach requests will be processed following submission of the Road Approach Application and required fees. 

Required fees (submitted with application):

  • $100 for new approach construction
  • $50 to amend existing approach (widen or move)

To apply for a road approach:

  1. Please submit the Road Approach Application with the required payment for review.
  2. A preliminary inspection is required prior to the start of construction.
  3. Upon approval, a permit will be issued to allow construction.
  4. To maintain consistency of development and protect municipal infrastructure, the MD of Taber requires the proposed approach to be installed by an Approved Contractor.
  5. If your Road Approach Application is part of new property development, the Road Approach Application will be included with your Development Application package.

Call 403-223-3142
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

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