2024 Public Works Service Fees

View the MD of Taber Fees and Charges Bylaw No 2003.

Dust suppressant$1.42 per linear foot (minimum treatment 400m)
TRAVIS MJ road permit$20 per permit issued

Right-of-way crossings, proximity and approach permits

Texas gate permit application (Install)$200
Haul road use/detour agreement
Road crossings (irrigation, water/sewer, electrical, oil/gas pipelines)$300
Approaches (new)$300
Approaches (existing – widened or moved)$100
Utility consents$100
Proximity and access consents
Seismic consents$50 per road crossing
Application for approved contractor status


Crushed aggregateAs per current cost
Sand$3 per tonne
CulvertsAs per current cost
Grader bladesAs per current cost
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