Forms & Documents

The Municipal District of Taber's Land Use Bylaw No 1722 regulates the use, conservation, and development of land, habitat, buildings, and signs in pursuit of the objectives of the Municipal District of Taber's statutory plans. The Municipal Development Plan 1723 (MDP) is the MD of Taber’s plan for the future. 

It sets out a clear vision for how the MD of Taber will grow and develop over the next 20 years and beyond.

The South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (SSRP or Regional Plan) is a legislative instrument developed pursuant to section 13 of the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA).  The SSRP uses a cumulative effect management approach to set policy direction for municipalities to achieve desired environmental, economic, and social outcomes within the South Saskatchewan Region until 2024.  A community’s statutory plans (IDPs, MDP and ASPs) must comply with the SSRP, which came into effect September 1, 2014.

The SSRP has four key parts including the Introduction, Strategic Plan, Implementation Plan and Regulatory Details Plan.  The Regional Plan is guided by the vision, outcomes and intended directions set by the Strategic Plan portion of the SSRP while the Implementation Plan establishes the objectives and the strategies that will be implemented to achieve the regional vision.  Pursuant to Section 15(1) of ALSA, the Regulatory Details of the SSRP are enforceable as law and bind the Crown, decision-makers, local governments and all other persons while the remaining portions are statements of policy to inform and are not intended to have binding legal effect.

Click here for the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan.

An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a statutory plan that establishes the planning policies applicable to an area of common interest agreed upon by the councils of municipalities that have common boundaries. Except for municipalities within a growth region (e.g. Capital Region, Calgary Metropolitan Region), adoption of IDPs is required under the Municipal Government Act. By April 1, 2020, an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF), which addresses services, must also be adopted between neighbouring municipalities for the IDP to be considered complete. 

The MD of Taber has adopted IDPs with all of its rural and urban neighbours. These plans foster ongoing collaboration and cooperation regarding planning matters and issues of mutual interest and establish and address land-use expectations within the agreed-upon Intermunicipal Development Plan area (Plan Area). Each IDP serves as a planning tool providing guidance to decision-makers through the agreed-upon planning policies that apply to the land within the Plan Area. The IDPs contain a policy that is to be used as a framework for working cooperatively, communicating and making decisions in each municipality. However, each municipality is ultimately responsible for making decisions within its municipal jurisdiction.

The following IDPs and ICFs have been adopted by the M.D. of Taber and its municipal neighbours:

MD of Taber and Village of BarnwellIDPICF
MD of Taber and Town of TaberIDP
MD of Taber and Town of VauxhallIDPICF
MD of Taber and Cypress CountyIDPICF
MD of Taber and County of Forty Mile No. 8IDPICF
MD of Taber and Lethbridge CountyIDPICF
MD of Taber and County of Warner No. 5IDP
MD of Taber and Newell CountyIDPICF
MD of Taber and Vulcan CountyIDPICF

The Municipal District of Taber Municipal Development Plan Bylaw No. 1723 (M.D of Taber MDP), adopted in 2004, is a long-range planning tool serving to guide future growth and development toward the community’s desired future.  The vision, goals and policies of the M.D. of Taber MDP provide strategic direction to inform the actions and decisions of the municipality, landowners and developers with respect to land use matters. 

Every municipality in Alberta is required to adopt a MDP by bylaw.  In accordance with the Municipal Government Act, a MDP is considered a statutory plan and must be consistent with the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (the provincial regional plan applicable to our region) and any applicable Intermunicipal Development Plans.

The M.D. of Taber MDP provides policy direction in a broad area of issues, such as:

  • Future Land User & Development
  • Subdivision Policies & Criteria
  • Hamlets and Localities
  • Municipal Reserve
  • Municipal Services
  • Environmental Considerations
  • Intermunicipal Coordination
  • Implementation

Consideration of the MDP is an integral component in the planning process.  Persons interested in pursuing subdivision and development are encouraged to contact the M.D. of Taber to discuss the planning process and the relevance of the MDP to their project.

Click here for the MD of Taber Municipal Development Plan.

An Area Structure Plan (ASP) establishes the framework for subsequent subdivision and development within a particular area of the municipality and addresses matters such as:

  • Sequence of Development
  • Servicing and Utilities
  • Proposed Land Uses
  • Drainage Control
  • Population Density
  • Environmental Considerations.
  • Transportation Routes
  • Development Standards
  • Municipal Reserve
  • Other matters defined in the MDP, applicable IDP, or
    specific to the individual application deemed necessary by Council

Authorized by the Municipal Government Act, a municipality may require an applicant to prepare an ASP in advance of undertaking subdivision and development.  An ASP is typically required for all grouped country residential developments and grouped industrial developments in the M.D of Taber and may be a requirement of any application for redesignation, multi-lot subdivision, significant development, or as required by the M.D of Taber Council or the M.D. of Taber Subdivision and Development Authority.

An Area Structure Plan is adopted by bylaw by the M.D. of Taber Council and is to be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Government Act and the policies of the M.D. of Taber Municipal Development Plan, applicable Intermunicipal Development Plan, M.D. of Taber Land Use Bylaw, and other applicable planning related policies and bylaws.  An ASP must be consistent with the MD of Taber Municipal Development Plan and the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan

Once adopted by Council, an ASP serves as a statutory plan and subsequent subdivision and development must be consistent with the ASP.  Amendment of an ASP requires a public hearing and adoption of the amendment by Council. 

The following ASPs have been adopted in the M.D. of Taber and serve as the framework for subdivision and development within those areas in addition to the requirements of the Land Use Bylaw and applicable planning-related policies and bylaws:

Grouped Country Residential Area Structure Plans (ASP)

Bylaw 1515Rio Vista Estates ASPE½ 19, W½ 20, SW¼ 29, SE¼ 30 10-16-4
Bylaw 1572Crandall Addition ASPPortion of NE¼ 36-9-17-4
Bylaw 1575Horseshoe Estates ASPPortion of NE¼ 36-9-17-4
Bylaw 1632Coulee Ridge Acres ASPPortion of S½ 1-10-18-4
Bylaw 1642Rex Schneider ASPSW¼ 1-10-17-4
Bylaw 1644Recreational Developments ASPSW¼ 34-8-18-4
Bylaw 1683Shockey O.D. ASPNW¼ 17, NE¼ 18 & part of closed road in Twp 10-16-4
Bylaw 1700Darcy Miller ASPNW¼ 21-9-16-4
Bylaw 1739Grasslands ASPPortion of SW¼ 36-9-17-4
Bylaw 1778Scott Davidson ASPPortion of SE¼ 28-9-16-4 ( Lots 1-4, Block 3 Plan 0810413)
Bylaw 1779909498 Alta Ltd (Rodwell) ASPPortion of LSD 5 & 6 in SW¼ 21-9-16-4
Bylaw 1780Len Ross ASPPortion of LSD 9 in NE¼ 3-10-16-4 & Parcel A, Plan 2698JK
Bylaw 1782Barry Jensen ASPSE 18-11-14-W4
Bylaw 1790Sacred Acres ASPLot 1, Block 1, Plan 0711243 in SE¼ 17-9-16-4
Bylaw 1798ASPLot 3, Block 1, Plan 9611496 in NW¼ 8-9-16-4
Bylaw 1898Countrylane Estates ASPLSD5 & Portion of LSD 6 in SW¼ 21-9-16-4
NADesign SchemeSE¼ 18-11-14-4

Non-Residential Area Structure Plans (ASP)

Bylaw 1520Vauxhall Fringe ASPPortion of SW¼ & SE¼ 11-13-16-4
Bylaw 1825Highway 3 West Business Park ASPLot 1, Block 1, Plan 0710605 & Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 0912673 in SE¼ 36-9-17-4
Bylaw 1829King Arthur’s Lake Front Resort ASPPortion of NE¼ 30-12-16-4
Bylaw 1851Municipal District of Taber Shooting Complex ASPPortion of SE¼ 35-10-17-4

The M.D. of Taber Land Use Bylaw No. 1722 regulates the use and development of all land within the municipality.  Every municipality is required to adopt a land use bylaw.  Among other things, the M.D. of Taber Land Use Bylaw divides the municipality into land use districts (zones) and establishes the permitted, discretionary and prohibited uses within each zone; prescribes the general and specific standards of development; defines the process for submitting subdivision and development applications, making decision issuing development permits and enforcing the bylaw.    

If you are thinking of undertaking a subdivision or development within the M.D. of Taber, it is recommended that you contact the M.D. of Taber office to discuss your proposal in advance of submitting an application.

MD of Taber Land Use Bylaw 1722 (no maps)

MD of Taber Land Use Bylaw 1722 (maps)

Planning Related Policies, Standards, Guidelines and Bylaws

In addition to statutory plans and the land use bylaw, the MD of Taber maintains a number of policies, standards, guidelines and bylaws relating to planning and development. These planning-related policies, standards, guidelines and bylaws are applicable at various stages of the planning process - they help inform land use planning and development decisions, define procedural matters, and may be imposed as conditions of subdivision and development and development agreements, or requirements of statutory plan preparation, for example.  

Advertising Bylaw No. 1934, August 14, 2018

This bylaw establishes the acceptable methods of advertising under section 606 of the Municipal Government Act of a bylaw, resolution, meeting, public hearing or other things in accordance with the timelines prescribed in section 606.  Refer also to the MD of Taber Land Use Bylaw for methods of advertising a development hearing associated with a development permit application.

Drainage Approval Policy, October 28, 2016

This policy ensures that any work conducted within the Municipal Road Right of Way for the purpose of drainage improvement is designed to be safe for vehicular traffic; is designed and constructed so as to not be a nuisance for the municipality or adjacent landowners; and conforms to municipal bylaws and provincial regulation.

Model Process for Subdivision Approval and Private Sewage – The Suitability and Viability of Subdivisions Relying on Private Sewage Systems, February 1, 2011 

This standard prescribes the appropriate level of septic feasibility assessment that must be completed to demonstrate the suitability of development served by a private sewage system on land proposed to be subdivided.   

A developer proposing a multi-lot subdivision of land that will not be served by municipal water and sewer services is required to comply with this standard when preparing an Area Structure Plan.         

Municipal District of Taber Roadway Standards for Multi-Lot Subdivision, July 2010

These standards prescribe road design and construction for grouped country residential and grouped industrial developments.

A developer proposing grouped country residential or grouped industrial is required to comply with these standards when preparing an Area Structure Plan, which is subsequently implemented through the condition of a development agreement at the time of subdivision approval.        

Municipal Reserve Policy, August 8, 1995; Revised March 27, 2012

This policy establishes the land value that will be used to calculate the amount of municipal reserve owing by an applicant of a subdivision where money in lieu of land dedication is required for municipal reserve purposes in accordance with the MD of Taber Municipal Development Plan and the Municipal Government Act.

Operating Guideline #60 Vauxhall Regional and MD Taber Regional Fire Departments Operational Guidelines Subject: Photovoltaic Panel and Solar Farm Project Fires, February 22, 2018

This policy provides the Vauxhall Regional Fire Department and MD of Taber Regional Fire Service department members with a guideline when responding to photo-voltaic solar panel and solar farm fires. A developer of a photo-voltaic solar farm should refer to this policy when preparing an emergency services plan as part of the development permit application.   

 Public Participation Policy, June 12, 2018

This policy has been developed to recognize the value of public participation and create opportunities for meaningful public participation in decisions that directly impact the public. The Public Participation Policy is in addition to and does not modify or replace the statutory public hearing requirements in the Municipal Government Act.

Renewable Energy Projects on Municipally Owned Land Policy, August 7, 2018

This policy establishes criteria for the appropriate siting of a renewable project on MD of Taber-owned lands while at the same time respecting leaseholders and ensuring the protection of ecologically sensitive features of the land. The policy is in addition to and does not modify or replace the requirements of the MD of Taber Land Use Bylaw or any other applicable provincial regulations and approvals requirements. 

Unauthorized Use of Municipal Property Bylaw No. 1806, January 15, 2010

The purpose of this bylaw is to regulate the Unauthorized Use of Municipal Property, to promote the safe, enjoyable and reasonable use of such land for the benefit of all citizens of the municipality.

The following documents are referenced variously in statutory plans and planning bylaws adopted by the MD of Taber under Part 17 Planning and Development of the Municipal Government Act.

(*this page contains links to websites owned and operated by third parties. If you use these links you leave our website. These links are provided for your information and convenience. Links may break, should the third party change their content. If a link in this list is broken, please let us know and we will search for the new link. Thank you. )


Agricultural Operation Practices Act

Agricultural Operation Practices Act Administrative Procedures Regulation

Agricultural Operation Practices Standards and Administration Regulation

Agricultural Operations, Part 2 Matters Regulation

Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation

Alberta Culture and Tourism Listing of Historic Resources Instructions for Use

Alberta Land Stewardship Act

Alberta Land Stewardship Regulation

Alberta Land Stewardship Conservation Easement Registration Regulation

Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice (fee to purchase)

Alberta Wetland Policy


Alberta Building Codes and Standards


Canada Land Inventory Soil Classification

Cannabis Act

Condominium Property Act


Education Act

Environmentally Significant Areas in Alberta


Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Regulation


Historical Resources Act

Highways Development Control Regulation

Hospitals Act


Interpretation Act


Land Titles Act


MD of Taber Environmentally Significant Areas in the Oldman River Region

Municipal Government Act


Planning Exemption Regulation

Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation

Public Health Act


Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems CPC-2-03

Radiocommunications Act


South Saskatchewan Regional Plan 

Subdivision and Development Regulation

Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

Surveys Act


Taber Fringe Area Study, March 1992


Water Act

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