Recreation Master Plan

Residents access recreation opportunities from various providers including community organizations, municipalities, and private providers. The Municipal District of Taber supports many community-based organizations that manage facilities and provide recreation programs and services to residents. The MD also operates parks throughout the community that have trails, picnic shelters, ball diamonds, playgrounds, campgrounds, outdoor swimming areas, and other amenities.

During the spring and summer of 2019, the community was engaged by the MD of Taber to understand recreation priorities for the next five to ten years. Over 340 households representing 1,190 residents participated in a community survey about needs and expectations for recreation. Recreation providers and stakeholders were also consulted to determine how services are delivered and what might be needed in the future.

Several documents have been developed for the Recreation Master Plan. Should you would like to review these documents, please use the following links:

2025 Farmer Pesticide Course
2025 Farmer Pesticide Course